Recently, businesses have begun to offer what is known as “anycast-as-a-service.” Anycast-as-a-service provides ready-made, instantly-deployable anycast hosting in predefined locations for low-demand customers who still need the performance and reliability offered by anycast networking. Additionally, anycast-as-a-service can be used to quickly expand an existing anycast infrastructure or distribution network with additional locations.
In order to offer anycast-as-a-service, companies must either build and maintain their own high-capacity anycast infrastructure, or work with an infrastructure partner to build a custom platform for their anycast service offerings.
In the example below, we show a sample anycast-as-a-service model where a customer’s resources connect with NetActuate’s anycast platform via agent-based or agentless tunnels to form a larger anycast mesh network, delivering anycast-as-a-service to their own customers’ end points.

Deploy Today on NetActuate's Global Anycast Platform
Bring your products and services to the global edge with NetActuate's anycast platform. Available in over 40 global locations, connected by the second largest network in the world, a team of veteran network engineers is ready to build and optimize the right deployment for your business.